Friday, 22 June 2007

More progress and more pictures !

The 3 weeks since my last post has certainly seen a lot of work done by the boys on site. This is despite a week of rubbish weather recently so let's see what we have now...
(viewers will be glad to know that I had my "proper" camera with me this time, although the keen eyed amongst you will spot the rather too high ISO setting left over since its* previous outing)

As you can see, the ground floor is now complete, the upstairs is now upto window sill level mostly with some walls even higher. Good solid RSJ's about the doors and windows can be seen here, this is particularly important given the upstairs has a concrete slab floor. Not often seen these days in houses around here, but a welcome addition when it is.
Also here we can see the framework going up for the conservatory on the left. This can be seen more clearly below with a view from the "back garden"...

Moving further around the back...

The large opening on the left will be the patio doors out to the garden from the main lounge. Also just to the right you can make out the back door, then the utility room window and the kitchen window.
Venturing inside for the first time... we can see the view from the lounge out the front ... the mountain in the background will hopefully be less obscured by the hill of dirt in the foreground when they've finished.

And turning around to look out back...

That's about it really, the next update will be possible more around some of the required fittings we are looking at, floors, kitchens etc.
Plus, coming next week, investigations into Geo thermal heat source providing underfloor heating...

Until then...

Sunday, 3 June 2007

Another update, and things are going up ... walls that is

Another attempt at posting an update after the last one which suffered from a myriad of internal errors and the whole blogger site reverting to German which I haven't spoken in 20 years. ...

Anyway, took a quick diversion out to the site (building not web) on Friday night on the way back from picking my car up from the mechanics (which could be the subject of a whole other blog) and took some more pictures.
Unfortunately, I must confess that I didn't have my main camera with me so was reduced to using my mobile which, whilst normally excellent, struggled here with the late evening gloom contrasted by the blinding sunset behind !

Was pleased to see that the piles of bricks from the previous shots have been put to good use in the construction of the walls.

The back wall seems to have gone up the furthest where the kitchen and utility will be as they are the straightest, the ones at the front accomodate two bay windows so obviously must take longer to get right. You can just see the low wall of the conservatory on the left hand side.

The following (frankly crap) pictures show the layout of the whole site in relation to our house -

From left to right, the first two houses are nearly complete as these were started ages ago. The third is nearing the roof line with ours, almost out of view at the end.

There are two designs of house making up the 4, and they can be seen from the finished ones on the left.

Ours is going to be the same as the second one along (from the left)
Finally a view across to Beam Hill

I'll try now and get some floorplans up so we can see what they are trying to acheive internally as well...

Hopefully next time, conditions and equipment will provide some better photos !

Until the next time.