Wednesday, 16 May 2007

First progress report

Since our last look at the house not much has really progressed from the eye of one un trained in the house building lark, but it does look promising that there's big piles of bricks stacked up ready to be walls, I guess ...

You can seen the addition of what is presumably the red dampcourse sheeting, with the concrete subfloor now the highest level.
From the previous post we can also see where they've filled in around the foundations to bring it up to the floor level of the house.

You can also see the weather has taken a turn for the worse of late but that's not really surprising around here, still it makes for clearer pictures !

The deposit has now been lodged with the vendors solicitors so there is no going back now I suppose !!! More paperwork to come no doubt.

To answer a previous question, we are facing a bit south of west looking at the front of the house which itself faces slightly north of question ?

Hopefully the next update should see some walls going up ... hopefully, although there was a complete lack of anyone in a hard hat at all when this picture was taken at lunchtime today...

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

Up from the depths..not quite 30 storeys high

So progress is now being made on the house. After what seemed an age of it being just a bare plot, then just a big hole in the ground there now appears, rising up from the depths, some foundations with the shape of a house on top. Finally it begins to take shape which is more of a relief for the children who thought we might be living in a field for a while... Taken just last Sunday (29th April - Andy's 40th!) this is what we have so far -

(Large version here- )

This is a view of the front looking towards the back. Facing sort of westish I think, I will check on the compass bearing and report back.

Today saw further progress in the sale agreement with us visiting our solicitors to sign paperwork etc. Now comes the hard part of departing with our deposit for what is essentially a pile of bricks in a hole !!

It's progress though and we're happy with that...

More soon...